Capture synonym
Capture synonym


To attract and hold: tales of adventure that capture the imagination. To gain possession or control of, as in a game or contest: capture the queen in chess captured the liberal vote. If you find any bugs in this program please report me at You need to enable JavaScript to run this Website. To take captive, as by force or craft seize.


Please support this free service by just sharing with your friends. Select the language from the dropdown given below & click on the button (Or Enter) to get the Meaning in your language. These languages include Azerbaijani, Persian, Urdu, Serbian, Tamil, Galician, Romanian, Macedonian, Latin, Thai, Irish, Telugu, Hebrew, Lithuanian, Czech, Bulgarian, Polish, Danish, Slovak, Spanish, Dutch, Greek, Haitian Creole, Estonian, Ukrainian, Latvian, Albanian, Chinese Simplified, Icelandic, German, Portuguese, Belarusian, Swedish, Malay, Finnish, Gujarati, Maltese, Kannada, Catalan, Chinese Traditional, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Georgian, Indonesian, Croatian, Bengali, Esperanto, Hindi, Yiddish, French, Turkish, Slovenian, Welsh, Basque, Korean, Italian, Swahili, Filipino, Russian, Japanese, Afrikaans, Malayalam, Norwegian, Arabic etc. The term could refer to things that are contextual to a statement - that is, further statements that are connected with it in socially understandable manners.It's a free Multilanguage dictionary with many languages around the World. “Implicit” means that which is implied in a statement, but is not explicitly said. The terms ‘ tacit knowledge’ and ‘ implicit knowledge’ are sometimes used as synonyms.


Thus, the same content may be explicit for one person and tacit for another. Noun, singular or mass Many companies rely on software to capture various bits of data, but no machine can take the place of a detail-oriented data capturer who can find errors and simple mistakes made by the computer. However, Dalkir (2005, p.8) notes that tacit knowledge is quite a relative concept: - what is easily articulated by one person may be very difficult to externalize by another. Find all the synonyms of the word capture presented in a simple and clear manner.

capture synonym

Subjective, cognitive, experiential learning Synonyms: The process of getting or collecting things or information. Thus, explicit (already codified) and tacit (embedded in the mind). act of getting control in business or politics. killed herself to avoid capture by Octavian (69-30 BC) Hannibal general who.


How to use capture/catch someone's imagination in a sentence. Synonyms For AfricanSynonyms for African-American include Afro-American. Knowledge what is easily identified, articulated, shared and employed. The meaning of CAPTURE/CATCH SOMEONE'S IMAGINATION is to make someone very interested or excited. Documented information that can facilitate action. Tacit knowledge Includes insights, intuitions.Įxplicit knowledge (knowing-that): knowledge codified and digitized in books, documents, reports, memos, etc. Personal wisdom and experience, context-specific, more difficult to extract and codify. Know-how and learning embedded within the minds of people. Tacit knowledge (knowing-how): knowledge embedded in the human mind through experience and jobs.

capture synonym capture synonym

Such a distinction was first made by Michael Polyani in the 1960s, but it forms one of the central planks of Nonaka and Takeuchi's book The Knowledge-Creating Company (1995) You do, however, have a few other alternatives to choose from, although.

capture synonym

Although Twitter does have individual pages for tweets, the conversation view will only show you the entire conversation if it was a very short one. The distinction between tacit and explicit knowledge is perhaps the most fundamental concept of knowledge management. capture - Meaning in Tamil, what is the meaning of capture in Tamil dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and definitions of capture in Tamil. Twitter conversations might go by quickly, but that doesnt mean they have to be forgotten. Conjugaison Documents Dictionnaire Dictionnaire Collaboratif Grammaire Expressio Reverso Corporate. Traduction Context Correcteur Synonymes Conjugaison. However, two major types of knowledge are central to KM All solutions for seize 5 letters crossword answer - We have 2 clues, 33 answers & 170 synonyms from 3 to 20 letters. Traductions en contexte de 'capture, retrieval' en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : Document Management solution that simplifys the capture, retrieval and distribution of business information.

Capture synonym